Autumn has usually been my favorite season no matter where I've lived. There have been exceptions. In Arizona, winter took top billing. I could open my windows and get fresh, citrus-blossom-scented air while reading all of my friends' emails complaining about the snow, the cold, and the shoveling of driveways. In the Pacific NW (Portland area), summers were my favorites mainly because they were dry. Autumn was a close second, but the return of the gray, rainy season started to wear thin as my ten years there passed. Everywhere else, though, Autumn owns my heart. The cooing nights, the coloring leaves, the smell of wood smoke (ideally faint) on the breeze... not to mention the fact that there are breezes (NC breezes die off as summer humidity shoulders its way in). The seasonal runners up have depended upon where I've lived at the time. Here in NC, early spring and all of winter are next in line. Summers here are hot, humid hell. I dread them more each year. Autumn brings relief, both mentally and physically. My windows open again to fresh air, and my spirit lightens. NC winters are generally quite mild, plus I'm fairly cold-tolerant. I don't mind the odd freezing day or even week. I got rid of most of my sweaters years ago and have only saved a few favorites for the time I can finally leave this climate for one more suitable to my constitution. I was a child/teen/college student during most of my 17 years in N. California. Summers were a close second to autumn then just because I was out of school and free to do as I pleased. When I lived in the Northeast, autumn still ruled, but I enjoyed each season for its own gifts. Like I said, the cold doesn't necessarily bother me. Unless I have to drive in snow and/or ice. That's where winter loses all appeal. I'm not sure what Portugal will do to this ranking, once I can finally get there. I know that it will depend upon where I end up living, but I think Autumn will still win out.
Autumn, by a mile. Then early spring when you can see trees full of buds and daffodils pushing their way through late snow, demanding a change. Winter and summer can suck it, with the exception of an occasional deep, heavy snowfall at night, when I have no where to go except walking quietly through deserted streets, all you can hear is the snow drifting down and sticking to your wool cap, and your crunchy, echo-y boots following you home.
May I ask - what is a fliescat?? I googled this and fliescoels and I'm quite certain you aren't referring to cute little cat toys. What on earth is it?
Oh, I am so with you on this one! But for those of us sweltering away in Texas, autumn is more like, "we made it! We survived!" The relief is so huge that folks can't stop talking about it- I'm one of'em. It's as if my energy in summer just takes a few steps down each month and by Sept, you practically have to blast me out of the air conditioning to get me to go anywhere. I can't wait to come to Portugal and experience a more temperate climate.
I too love fall with the cool mornings and slowly warming days. Just the never ending march of the seasons presented to us for our pleasure or dismay depending on our attitudes. I do still miss Portugal everyday. Hope to see it again before my time is done in this life! I love reading your thoughts my good friend!
Hi Shanna, I know what you mean about the in between months! Autumn is lovely as long as there are no bad storms etc. Those poor people in Florida and South Carolina!! Plus other places around the world! I love this part before Christmas although this year will be toned down, depending on fuel costs!! Less twinkly lights! Oh no! Anyway, I agree with your outlook, it resonates with me and probably quite a few others. Time to re-evaluate, take a breather, take stock. I never make plans as you never know what's around the corner! Life is funny like that! Late Spring too! New life, buds, colour and scents! Plus warmth & sunshine hopefully! Take care Shanna, I used to love it when that searing heat subsided!! Hugs xxx
Definitely autumn. The leaves crunching under my feet and the earthy smell that wafts up to my nose… Sweaters hugging my arms… As you mentioned, the chill in the wind… LOVE it.
Perhaps you are already experiencing it, embrace it, enjoy it in the moment and give thanks. Perhaps the big joyful thing is just those little pots of gold, the moments, the light, the breeze.
Every season has its own glory. Autumn has the glory of the wonderful colours, as the trees prepare for winter.
Autumn has usually been my favorite season no matter where I've lived. There have been exceptions. In Arizona, winter took top billing. I could open my windows and get fresh, citrus-blossom-scented air while reading all of my friends' emails complaining about the snow, the cold, and the shoveling of driveways. In the Pacific NW (Portland area), summers were my favorites mainly because they were dry. Autumn was a close second, but the return of the gray, rainy season started to wear thin as my ten years there passed. Everywhere else, though, Autumn owns my heart. The cooing nights, the coloring leaves, the smell of wood smoke (ideally faint) on the breeze... not to mention the fact that there are breezes (NC breezes die off as summer humidity shoulders its way in). The seasonal runners up have depended upon where I've lived at the time. Here in NC, early spring and all of winter are next in line. Summers here are hot, humid hell. I dread them more each year. Autumn brings relief, both mentally and physically. My windows open again to fresh air, and my spirit lightens. NC winters are generally quite mild, plus I'm fairly cold-tolerant. I don't mind the odd freezing day or even week. I got rid of most of my sweaters years ago and have only saved a few favorites for the time I can finally leave this climate for one more suitable to my constitution. I was a child/teen/college student during most of my 17 years in N. California. Summers were a close second to autumn then just because I was out of school and free to do as I pleased. When I lived in the Northeast, autumn still ruled, but I enjoyed each season for its own gifts. Like I said, the cold doesn't necessarily bother me. Unless I have to drive in snow and/or ice. That's where winter loses all appeal. I'm not sure what Portugal will do to this ranking, once I can finally get there. I know that it will depend upon where I end up living, but I think Autumn will still win out.
Autumn, by a mile. Then early spring when you can see trees full of buds and daffodils pushing their way through late snow, demanding a change. Winter and summer can suck it, with the exception of an occasional deep, heavy snowfall at night, when I have no where to go except walking quietly through deserted streets, all you can hear is the snow drifting down and sticking to your wool cap, and your crunchy, echo-y boots following you home.
May I ask - what is a fliescat?? I googled this and fliescoels and I'm quite certain you aren't referring to cute little cat toys. What on earth is it?
Ha! Booze - that makes sense.
Oh, I am so with you on this one! But for those of us sweltering away in Texas, autumn is more like, "we made it! We survived!" The relief is so huge that folks can't stop talking about it- I'm one of'em. It's as if my energy in summer just takes a few steps down each month and by Sept, you practically have to blast me out of the air conditioning to get me to go anywhere. I can't wait to come to Portugal and experience a more temperate climate.
I too love fall with the cool mornings and slowly warming days. Just the never ending march of the seasons presented to us for our pleasure or dismay depending on our attitudes. I do still miss Portugal everyday. Hope to see it again before my time is done in this life! I love reading your thoughts my good friend!
Hi Shanna, I know what you mean about the in between months! Autumn is lovely as long as there are no bad storms etc. Those poor people in Florida and South Carolina!! Plus other places around the world! I love this part before Christmas although this year will be toned down, depending on fuel costs!! Less twinkly lights! Oh no! Anyway, I agree with your outlook, it resonates with me and probably quite a few others. Time to re-evaluate, take a breather, take stock. I never make plans as you never know what's around the corner! Life is funny like that! Late Spring too! New life, buds, colour and scents! Plus warmth & sunshine hopefully! Take care Shanna, I used to love it when that searing heat subsided!! Hugs xxx
Yup, fall is the winner. Although winter is a close second for me.
When I was still in LA, winter was the fave. Because LA. Seasons are not much of a thing there.
After 26 years in Denver, def, fall.
And winter can be harsh up here in the Norte, but I still love it.
Chestnuts roasting, you know. And here they really are. All through the fall and winter. :) Love them!
But hate summer, to be sure. Have always hated the heat.
Viva Outono!
Definitely autumn. The leaves crunching under my feet and the earthy smell that wafts up to my nose… Sweaters hugging my arms… As you mentioned, the chill in the wind… LOVE it.
Perhaps you are already experiencing it, embrace it, enjoy it in the moment and give thanks. Perhaps the big joyful thing is just those little pots of gold, the moments, the light, the breeze.
Though the threshold of winter is not my favorite, your enchanting ode to autumn made me smile.
Fall, Fall, Fall, Fall, Fall, a million kajillion times F A L L.
That is all.