life: examined is an invitation to get curious—a collection of ideas, and thoughts about living a creative, intentional life—written from my perch in Portugal.
—> Thank you for your support
I had the workings of a bright and chipper (who, me?) essay cooking away for this edition. Most of it was written, with just a few bits remaining in my head.
But, instead, I bring you a pu-pu platter of the delightful and the awful, aka life.
Last Saturday, my dear friend Tammy and her husband Logan (whom I also consider a dear friend) arrived in Setúbal! Unfortunately they were only here for five days, making me and Portugal the last stop on Tammy’s Friend Tour 2022.
They started their adventure by visiting a friend from Canada who lives in the UK, then on to France to visit a friend from the UK. Then, finally, they made their way to me, the Usonian living in Portugal!
Time with friends was fun, low-key, and such a tonic. Tammy and I chat nearly weekly, but in-person is the best—especially the hugs. It was nice to get to know Logan and show them around my little city of Setúbal.
On the day they arrived, the heat wave hit.
It gets hot here in the summer, but wow, 40°C/104°F on the hottest day was too much.
With fire danger looming nearby, the Iberian peninsula is in an unprecedented drought (the worst in 1,200 years), and many already raging in the interior.
The heat kept us close to the center of town, so we didn’t tourist much, but we did ooh and aah up at the Miradouro and the Forte São Filipe.
We walked as much as the heat allowed and frequently stopped to drink all the coffee and eat all the things. We dubbed this leg of their visit Snack Tour 2022.
I have Covid.
Put that in the awful column, but add the experience, so far, to the delightful one too.
Delightful because I seem to have a mild case with symptoms that are posturing as a standard respiratory/sinus infection.
Throw Covid in the awful column because COVID and because my much-anticipated mini-vacation with my BFF Andrew isn’t happening, although he’ll carry on without me, brave soul.
For the first time in the nearly four years I’ve lived in Portugal, unless you count my Porto adventure, I was finally going to travel.
I was looking forward to spending time with Andrew and seeing a part of the continent that I wouldn’t have otherwise. And it’s unlikely I will ever do this particular trip on my own (cue: tiny pity party with full orchestra).
You can follow along with him as he makes his way through the mountains—and imagine me there too, okay? Maybe he can photoshop me into the passenger seat.
Still entertaining my houseguest, Covid, but I feel fine. A little stuffy/sinus-y, but that’s standard operating procedure for me.
I’ve done my quarantine and wear my mask when out (I did in stores and businesses, anyway).
I’ll test tomorrow.
I’m optimistic about being negative.
I like a paradox.
Now, let’s add more to the delightful column:
Friends and neighbors!
Thank you, fine people, who called, texted, and otherwise checked on me.
To those friends who brought fresh orange juice and lemonade, walked Milo, and delivered the most delicious, fragrant peaches—even my friends in Lisbon were on stand-by to pick up Milo in case I took a dire turn (other shoe? didn’t drop. whew.).
I am SO grateful.
Friends, you afforded me peace and time to rest, instead of time spent worrying about getting groceries or taking Milo on ALL the walks.
Did I mention I had a bicycle accident?
I did, and I’m okay. My bike is a little beaten up; to be honest, so was I, but I recovered in time to get Covid. Delightful or awful—you decide.
Unquestionably delightful is my bike’s manufacturer, Capri. They make some of the best-looking and riding e-bikes manufactured in Europe—minimal, clean lines, lightweight—you’d never know it was an e-bike.
Plus, the folks at Capri are good people. They took care of me by sending a replacement right pedal and crank assembly.
After T & L’s visit, I intended to go to the bike store for repair, but the virus had a different plan. So maybe next week I’ll get my trusty steed in for surgery. I’m sure she’ll be fine.
What else? I think that’s enough for the past few weeks.
I’m looking forward to slowly getting back to a regular writing/publishing schedule for life: examined and making decisions about the direction for Move to Portugal sessions. Alas, there’s a good chance I will stop providing one-to-one sessions and possibly stop the sessions altogether.
Stay tuned to life: examined for info about the Move2PT sessions. I’ll post my decision/plans, here.
Let’s share. I just did, so it’s your turn.
What from your last week would you put in the delightful column and what would you add to the awful one? Leave your responses in the comments section, below.
Behold the exquisite paintings by my friend and neighbor Tania Rivilis. The piece below, Kupka’s Dog, was awarded The William Lock Portrait Prize “for the most timeless portrait with a real feeling for paint and its aesthetic potential.”
This translation is a bit of a koan:
I get it, I think.
Thank you Hilary, Lisa, Saj, Cheryl, Jen, Alana, Alex, @lisbonretreats, FI, Myriam, Venomator, Axel, @mareninthewild, Vicki, Roxanne, Bryan, and anonymous someones for supporting life: examined through Buy Me a Coffee.
Your generosity, in part, gives me time to write this letter to you each week(ish)
Whether a coffee, a comment, a like, or a share—I’m grateful to have you along for the ride.
Until next time —> stay curious, wear sunscreen, and thank you for reading life: examined
love your posts and milo! hoping you are well into recuperation by the time you receive this.
Hello Shanna, thanks for your delightful sense of humor, and making lemon drop cocktails out of the lemons life hands us (forget about the lemonade, in times of trouble I need something stronger and fortifying!) or maybe you stick to the lemonade because of the heat? Your doggie reminds me of my little rescue, Héloïse! Very cute!
The painting is astonishing! The palette, the canine and human expressions, I love everything about it! Get well soon, and you never know…the mountains might still happen another time! Didn’t your BFF have to cancel his tour as well because of your simultaneous Covid ?