Almost scary but then I remembered- dah, Twins! I was reading last night about how tech is not the problem per se, it’s how it is used. The US/UK model of putting the responsibility on the individual is at odds with what needs to happen to create change, and that is people joining forces and banding together just like the history-changers before. While ‘doing our bit’ is a way for us to feel less hopeless about a dire situation, change will only come about when it is demanded by a united majority. I’m sure that policies and movements are created to keep people as individuals and not groups - just look at a modern US/UK housing development where there is no place at all for people to come together except a Starbucks at the mall.

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We can all do our bit to save energy.

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Jun 21, 2022·edited Jun 21, 2022Liked by author

Congrats on your new pad! I love that neighborhood.

By the way, though Portugal doesn't have a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea, it is part of the Mediterranean Basin and is considered a Mediterranean country based on "geographical, economic, geopolitical, historical, ethnic and cultural (language, art, music, cuisine) ties to the region as a whole. Other factors include climate and flora." (Wiki)

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I loved your post. We are planning in moving next year and I have been trying to convince my husband that we would not get the "perfect weather" inside the home we rent or buy.I am trying to remind him that we both grew up in Uruguay which has 4 seasons and extreme cold and heat in the winter and summer and we survived without any fancy technology. We have been living in Florida for the past 35 years and previously in Chicago so we can assume we had it all, weather wise. Sweaters and socks were invented for a reason, as well as fans! Little by little we are trying to sort of disengage from our "gringo" frame of mind where everything has to be perfect and comforting. I truly believe that I will enjoy more a hot cup of hot tea in my cold apartment in Setubal than inside any Starbucks in the US!

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Thought provoking to be sure. Good one Shanna.

We questioned our daily habits and beliefs when we packed up and moved to Portugal.

That is when we found the habits and beliefs of our country of birth to be questionable at the least and horrifying at worst.. The US has gone off the rails and it keeps getting worse and worse. Beyond my wildest imaginings. I doubt that it will improve any in my lifetime. But I digress...

We gave up our cars, (gladly), space, and heat and A/C, when we moved.

Being extremely temperature sensitive (medical condition) we finally caved and got heat and A/C after two years. Mainly for the heat. Winters can be really cold here in Porto and space heaters are expensive and inefficient for the most part.

But I am in my glory now through October, November. 65-70º for the most part here in the summer. That is one of the reasons we chose Porto. The flip-side is you have to be OK with the cold and rain in the winter. Kind of like living in San Francisco, which I loved, only better because, hey it´s Porto! :)

We happily scrutinize why we do what we do every day. How can we be better neighbors and meld better with the local culture?

Random thoughts... Farm life IS blood and soil. Ask anyone who has worked on a farm.

Nature is beautiful but dangerous and I like to enjoy it from a safe distance.

I have always considered myself something of a Luddite. My mom has called herself one for decades. Generally speaking, I hate tech. But it is great when it works. Our computers still stymie us both on a regular basis.

Watching Nomadland cured me on any romantic notions about van life. Parking. Always a PITA!

And to quote Christmas Vacation, shitter´s full! lol!

We love our relatively tiny space here in Portugal!

Best to ye, as always!

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by author

Good video. I love her brief, chill tantrum. "Go back to your grave, Friedrich. Goddamn."

Obviously, tech isn't just NFTs and Bitcoin. Thick walls are tech. A roof is tech. The solar panels that power my house and fuel my car are tech. Tech is one of the tools we have to keep the planet habitable. As she says, it's unfettered consumption masquerading as "progress' that needs to go.

I applaud your efforts to find your new home's base level of comfort, Shanna. There's a strong evolutionary drive to avoid discomfort, as well as socioeconomic pressures that equate discomfort with failure. It requires toughness and intellectual rigor to resist those.

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Your kinda a cool person anyway.

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by author

Great food for thought! In this never-ending 100+ weather here in TX, I'm so grateful for my AC, but I keep it at a higher temp so it doesn't run as much. I've been on a plastic-free mission and have made a lot of progress there and have other environmentally-friendly practices & goals. There's always room for improvement!

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- The problem is that most people and businesses aren’t going to pay a lot more for more efficient systems just to help achieve global climate goals, particularly in poor parts of the world.

Telling those in the poor parts of the world?

- Buy AC equipment, but make sure you don't buy the cheap solutions, but latest technology - that may cost much more. Think global climate goals

No, buying latest technology is no solution

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