Hi Shanna, I think most of us think we have to achieve more than we actually end up doing! It's because of pressures of life, from other people. The feeling that everything is a competition and you must win or be a loser! Maturity that comes with age tells you otherwise, some realise this sooner than others. Some end up with regrets and disappointments all their short lives and it's ridiculous really when you think about it! We spend more time worrying what others think instead of just being ourselves and be content with who we are, if we're happy with ourselves then who cares what others think? You have the best way of looking at life and how you live it, I can now see that over the years I have spent thousands on 'improving' my existence and most of these 'things' end up gathering dust! I am very guilty of this but not any more! You only take up so much space wherever you may be so having a large house, car or whatever is a total waste when you think about it logically! Why have 20 rooms in a house? You can only occupy one at any given time! The same with items we all buy to make life easier when we just end up getting by without them and as I said, gather dust and fill up all the space that's never used!! Very wise words again Shanna! Be careful of that heat over there, I lived in Southern Spain for 9 years so I understand completely how dibilitating it is for 3-4 months! Take care, give my love to Milo! xxx

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Jun 25, 2021Liked by author

LOVED this article! I'll buy you a coffee, in person - next time. ❤️

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Definitely! I know this is short notice, but would you have time today? It's beautiful out.

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Jun 26, 2021Liked by author

Não faz mal! I'll see you on Tuesday. I can treat you then!

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