Since you asked...Yes, in Portugal dumpsters double as donation centers! Shoes, boots and bags are what we spot most often but when we lived in Gaia I found brand new art canvases and antique prints next to the garbage containers. Whoo hoo! As an artist they were gifts from the art Gods. I also have scored some nice planters.

And the tiny daisies sprouting next to the side walks. I want to pick them but know people here in the hood would think I was louca if I did.

In the WTF dept., there are many abandoned domiciles all over the city. We were living here for quite a while before I realized one place nearby that was secured with a bicycle lock through holes in the doors is actually inhabited!

Also the wing-nut down the street who feeds the pigeons. It is against the law to feed them in Porto (winged vermin, you know). The bird man of Carvalhido. He seems so lonely and odd. The birds are like his pets that live in the wild.

Last but not least is the metro ride from Porto to Gaia. The view of the Douro river and the two cities on either side never ceases to take my breath away. We are so lucky to live here. Porto is a never ending feast for the eyes, and senses in general. Boa sorte com tudo!

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Fun to read, thanks. Just think what all that challenging mental work you're doing out of your comfort zone is doing to the expansion of neurons and connections in your brain. You'll be a genius in no time.

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The cabbage. We will never know the answer.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by author

I love the photo of the shoes! It's odd, a few weeks ago I was in Amsterdam and had trouble photographing because it all looked so proper and clean. No shoes randomly left on the street, no crumbling facades. It felt like photos would look like it was a dollhouse.

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"Utility Box Gods" 🙂. Love it!

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by author

My heart bursts at plants growing from impossible places. My camera roll shows trees, flowers, and leaves growing from rocks, sidewalk cracks, and snow. Wow and WTF, indeed.

Sounds like you have so much on the horizon--can't wait to read about it.

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The Electric Horseman

An electric scooter equestrian bolts from a traffic light, leading a covey of impatient compact cars. Tall and lithe, his long black hair trails behind like a horse’s mane. Going full tilt, he leans into a sharp turn and simultaneously lifts his forward leg and wraps it around the steering post of the scooter. Casually, with practiced grace, he takes both hands off the handlebars, cups them in front of the cigarette that dangles from his lips and lights it in an amazing display urban Motor GP skills and blatant disregard for mundane health standards and the forces of gravity. WTF!

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