I’ve been a bit quiet around here, but lots of things are happening—some are even of my own doing.
Lots of things, like living in Portugal, come prepackaged with their own little “thing agendas” as they make their way into my life wreaking havoc (hello, bureaucracy). I bet you get these uninvited and unruly visitors in your life, too.
This post is post #2 in two days. I seem to be an all or nothing writer/publisher. Now that I’ve moved—yes, I moved again, for the 3rd time in 14 months—I hope to settle into that much-maligned concept, a routine. And nestled in that routine will be more writing for this little publication.
So, let me point you to the things I’ve done lately that will catch you up to speed.
First, the video my friend Andrew recently shot for his YouTube channel as a follow-up to the one he did when I first moved to Portugal. In this video, Andrew and I chat about my latest move. Check it out and let me know what you think.
And, I just posted this yesterday: Nine Reasons Why I Moved to Setúbal. I hope you’ll read it and comment if moved to do so.
I also wrote a perspective piece called Bifanas, Bitoques & Bacalhau, Oh My! for a new online foodie magazine called Relish Portugal. My article is about, yep, you guessed it—being a vegan in Portugal. You can sign up for a free copy here.
For now, I’m done moving around. I’m really happy in my new community.
The goals I had set for my first year in Portugal, well, some I met, and others not at all.
I’m frustrated that I haven’t learned to speak Portuguese, although my comprehension is okay and locals say my accent is great (so there’s that). I can order coffee, so I will survive.
This year, 2020, language acquisition is at the top of my to-do list.