I'm behind on my readings but REALLY needed this today. Thank you.

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Yes we do things for other people not ourselves, you are so right! Too many people worry about what other people will think because until we learn later on that it's your life, that we have to do what other people expect of us! Following the rules as it were but when you do get older, you realise it's your life after all not theirs! But it's about them not us (yes Andrew, I do get it now! really! x) some people never realise that in their lifetime or you feel you've left it so late that you can't change!! But you can! All the best Shanna! x

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Bang on the money, Twin! Agree 100% with absolutely every word. I see so many people choosing long-term pain to avoid short-term difficulty with those around them. Maybe one of the problems is that media - both mainstream and social - is so fixated on clicks that promise change for the better is ‘easy’ whereas the truth is that long-term happiness relies on short-term discomfort.

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Thanks for sending!! This is a eye-opener! Im thinking and re- thinking about my own life. What is the reason that i want to move? What is the reason that im still here? Whats the reason that im doing this job? Etc etc.

Thanks Shanna this is soul searching!!

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Love this, just made me appreciate more how I have a long list of non conventional people/family behind me who set an amazing example. Can’t say that it’s all been that easy, I think we all have those dark moments . I just hope the internal compass feels steady, and gives you happiness and peace with whatever we all chose 💕

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Gloria Garvey2 hr

A great conversation starter!

Id, ego and super-ego come to mind with this one.

Yes, one must live one's own life, but positionality can sometimes be very id and vain when purely self-serving (Take Mr. T for example).

A complex subject, not gender specific necessarily, but very individual.

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I'm not afraid of living outside of societal norms. Instead, I wonder if what I think will make me happy (i.e. moving abroad), actually will. I've been reading and listening to discussions on the topic of happiness and it seems that often what we think will make us happy doesn't. And what we think will devastate us, doesn't. So where is the real happy place? Is it a place or state of mind?

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Right On!

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I swear, Shanna, how do you manage to walk around inside my head?! Awesome reflections, as always! Thank you! Roxanne

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