life: examined is a compendium of ideas, thoughts, and questions about living a slow, creative, and intentional life—written from my perch in Portugal.
life: examined is reader-supported through Buy Me a Coffee. I’m so grateful to all those who support this humble publication!
Why subscribe?
Well, why not? You have questions; I have questions. I bet we've pondered some of the same things.
Perhaps reading life: examined will make you feel less alone or like less of a weirdo. But if you still feel like a weirdo, that's okay. I like weirdos (it takes one to know one).
By subscribing, you'll gain full access to the newsletter and website, ensuring you never miss an update. I'll be experimenting with different lengths and forms; some editions of life: examined might be tiny, all photos, or even poetry. Don't let the 'p' word scare you, it's all part of the diverse content you'll enjoy.
Be part of a community of people who share your interests, like to ponder life's BIG questions, and seek a simple, more meaningful, and intentional life. You'll find a place where your thoughts and ideas are welcomed and celebrated in the comments section of life: examined. All voices and perspectives matter here.
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—> Say hello on Instagram: A Vegan in Portugal (I’m rarely there, but give it a try)
Note —> If you came here looking for my So, You Want to Move to Portugal sessions, I have retired this program. Sorry to disappoint you :/